snack a scam
Despite the assurances of Peter Fellowes before we bought our business, not once could Vending Revolution fulfill our orders correctly.

The stock was just never in place.  We'd have to alter 2 or 3 items every single time just to get some stock.

There was always an excuse such as, "we're packing that next tuesday" or "the cans haven't arrived yet".

When the stock did arrive, the cans weren't sealed properly.

Despite compaints, more disdain followed. Replacements were never honoured.

In the 18 months that we operated, not even 1 new product was launched, another lie by Peter Fellowes.
A can of Gummy Mix melted into one big lump......

Snack A Can's top selling products, out of date and needing to be binned.

Stock is surely the mainstay of your business isn't it?? Clearly it doesn't sell.....!

We had complaint after complaint from customers.